Monday, October 11, 2010

Reflections on Sutra 1.6

1.6 pramānaviparyayavikalpanidrāsmŗtayah
The five activities of the mind are comprehension, misapprehension, imagination, deep sleep, and memory

As I contemplate, indeed, comprehend, this sutra I have noticed just how much the mind is responsible for in terms of my overall health and wellbeing. My thoughts can determine my moods, my motivation, how much I sleep, the bizarreness of my dreams via my imagination, the quality of my memory. Before I go to sleep most nights I reflect on what I did that day and what I would like to do the following day. I see it as trying to 'pre-program' the mind so that I have a better chance of doing half the things I want to try out or complete. Which is usually a mixture of the things required for living, like washing, cleaning, food shopping, paying the bills and things I enjoy, like knitting, reading, sewing, cooking, swimming and yoga. So why, oh why does this not always translate to the next days' activities like I want it to?

I don't yet have the answer/s, but I think asking myself these questions is a good start at working it/them out.

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